Veronica Roth at Best of YA Event 2015!

Dutchies! Today publishers Best of YA announced who’s the main guest at their 2015 Best of YA Event… it’s Veronica Roth! This mega star and super famous author is best known for her Divergent series, which all of you have… Lees verder

Review: "The Iron Warrior" (The Iron Fey: Call of the Forgotten #3)

Author: Julie Kagawa Genre: Young Adult Fantasy Publication: Harlequin Teen Release Date: October 27th 2015 Pages: 384 Spoilers: Some, don’t read it unless you’ve read this book or I might spoil it for you. Special: YABC Staff Review Rating: After a nerve wrecking… Lees verder

Review: "The Vampire Diaries" – Season 7, Episode 3

Name: The Vampire Diaries Season: 7 Episode: 3,  “Age of Innocence” Release date: October 22, 2015 Directed by: Michael Allowitz Written by: Melinda Hsu Taylor & Holly Brix As I explained last week, The Vampire Diaries got a little confusing. And… Lees verder

Review: "The Vampire Diaries" – Season 7, Episode 2

Name: The Vampire Diaries Season: 7 Episode: 2,  “Never Let Me Go” Release date: October 15, 2015 Directed by: Chris Grismer Written by: Brian Young Wow, this episode was just too confusing. It starts off with Caroline in the freaking future, or… Lees verder

Review: "The Vampire Diaries" – Season 7, Episode 1

Name: The Vampire Diaries Season: 7 Episode: 1,  “Day One of Twenty-Two Thousand, Give…” Release date: October 08, 2015 Directed by: Pascal Verschooris Written by: Caroline Dries FINALLY! The Vampire Diares started again! Welcome back blood sucking, eye lash batting, heart ripping… Lees verder

Review: "The White Rose" (The Lone City #2) by Amy Ewing

Author: Amy Ewing Genre: Young Adult/Sci-Fi/Fantasy Publication: HarperTeen Release Date: October 6th 2015 Pages: 320 Spoilers: Probably not, but be sure to have read The Jewel first! Special: YABC Staff Review (e-ARC) First of all: Thank you so much HarperTeen for getting… Lees verder