Review: "Captain America: Civil War"

Movie: Captain America: Civil War Release date: April 28, 2016 Language: English Director: Anthony Russo, Joe Russo Stars: Chris Evans, Robert Downey JR, Sebastian Stan, Scartlett Johansson, Elizabeth Olsen, Anthony Mackie and all the other great people you probably already knew were in this movie.… Lees verder

Series Introduction #2: "Jessica Jones"

 Aired: 2015 – still running Network: ABC Studios Production: Marvel Studios, Netflix Seasons:  Episodes: Duration: 54 mins Genre: Action, Crime, Drama IMDb rating: 8.4/10 My rating: (4.0 / 5)     Storyline: Ever since her short-lived stint as a superhero ended in tragedy, Jessica… Lees verder

Marathons: the perfect movies

Hello hello, how are your holidays? We hope you’re spending enough time in the sun, get a little bit more tanned, so you can watch some marathon-worthy movies! We have selected the most amazing, exciting and funny movies that are… Lees verder