Einde van Dutchember

Hi lovelies, Het einde van Dutchember is aangebroken. Wij hebben er van genoten! Onderaan deze post lees je nog even een leuk overzicht van alle posts! En omdat het zo ontzettend tof was, kan jij nog een Sinterklaar kadootje winnen!… Lees verder

Veronica Roth at Best of YA Event 2015!

Dutchies! Today publishers Best of YA announced who’s the main guest at their 2015 Best of YA Event… it’s Veronica Roth! This mega star and super famous author is best known for her Divergent series, which all of you have… Lees verder

Review: "Shadow and Bone" (The Grisha #1) by Leigh Bardugo

Author: Leigh Bardugo Genre: Young Adult Fantasy Publication: Henry Holt and Co. (Dutch version: Blossom Books) Release Date: June 5th 2012 Pages: 358 Spoilers: You may proceed! I’ll try not to spoil. I wanted to read this book, but there were so many other… Lees verder