Review: "Captain America: Civil War"

Movie: Captain America: Civil War Release date: April 28, 2016 Language: English Director: Anthony Russo, Joe Russo Stars: Chris Evans, Robert Downey JR, Sebastian Stan, Scartlett Johansson, Elizabeth Olsen, Anthony Mackie and all the other great people you probably already knew were in this movie.… Lees verder

Movie Review: "Allegiant" (Divergent #3)

Movie: Allegiant (Divergent #3) Release Date: March 9th, 2016 (the Netherlands); 18th March (the USA) Language: English Director: Robert Schwentke Based on: Allegiant (novel, Divergent #3) by Veronica Roth Stars: Shailene Woodley, Theo James, Ansel Elgort, Miles Teller and many more great actors! Rating:… Lees verder

[DUTCH] Voorpremière "The 5th Wave" @ Pathé Amersfoort

Hallo lieve lezers, Zoals veel van jullie hebben gelezen, heeft Dutch Book Chick samen met De Leesfabriek // SpeelBoek en Pathé Amersfoort een speciale booklovers voorpremière georganiseerd voor de nieuwste boekverfilming: “The 5th Wave”. Mijn recensie van de film lees… Lees verder

Movie review: "The 5th Wave"

Release date: January22nd, 2016 (the Netherlands: January 28th, 2016) Lang uage: English Director: J. Blakeson Based on: The 5th Wave written by Rick Yancey Stars: Chloë Grace Moretz, Nick Robinson, Alex Roe, Zackary Arthur, Maggie Siff and Ron Livingstone. IMDB rating: 5,7 Rating: The world is coming… Lees verder