Superbowl TV-Spots
It is that time of year again: the Super Bowl has taken over the States. We don’t care much for the sports, but with it being a very important event in America, movies take their chance to promote during the… Lees verder
It is that time of year again: the Super Bowl has taken over the States. We don’t care much for the sports, but with it being a very important event in America, movies take their chance to promote during the… Lees verder
Hallo lieve lezers, Zoals veel van jullie hebben gelezen, heeft Dutch Book Chick samen met De Leesfabriek // SpeelBoek en Pathé Amersfoort een speciale booklovers voorpremière georganiseerd voor de nieuwste boekverfilming: “The 5th Wave”. Mijn recensie van de film lees… Lees verder
Release date: January22nd, 2016 (the Netherlands: January 28th, 2016) Lang uage: English Director: J. Blakeson Based on: The 5th Wave written by Rick Yancey Stars: Chloë Grace Moretz, Nick Robinson, Alex Roe, Zackary Arthur, Maggie Siff and Ron Livingstone. IMDB rating: 5,7 Rating: The world is coming… Lees verder
Prepping for the end of the world might seem a bit too much. But remember this: apocalypses usually don’t send a letter one week before arrival. They happen when you really really really weren’t waiting for it. So, you should… Lees verder
To get everyone warmed up about the next big apocalypse movie, The 5th Wave, I thought I’d list five other movies in which the world is ending and all that, because why not?! (Get it? Five waves, five movies?)… Lees verder
Author: Rick Yancey Genre: Young Adult/Sci-Fi Publication: Penguin (first by G.P. Putnam’s Sons Books for Young Readers) Release Date: May 7th, 2013 Pages: 457 Spoilers: Nope, probably spoiler free! Rating: I wanted to be the one to say: “I read the book before… Lees verder
First of all, I’d be handy to know that “The 5th Wave” is an adaptation of Rick Yancey’s novel “The 5th Wave”. It’s an YA Dystopian book about the young Cassie who’s witnessing aliens taking over the world. The Book… Lees verder
Fasten your seat-belts, because we’re gonna start 2016 with a BANG! January is “Apocalypse Month” at DBC. As most of you might heave heard, at the end of January, there’s this very cool movie “The 5th Wave” hitting the theaters.… Lees verder
Happy New Year booklovers! Hopefully you’ll be able to read a lot of great books in 2016! We sure are ready for 2016, and are really looking forward to welcome two new team members at February first. We have some… Lees verder
Today is Thursday, the last day of 2015. Thursday the 31st. If I can be honest with you, this year went by SO fast. The website has grown so much over the last 365 days and I’m so thankful for… Lees verder