Review: “The Art of Starving” by Sam J. Miller

Author: Sam J. Miller Genre: Contemporary/Sicklit Publisher: HarperTeen Release Date: 11th July 2017 Pages: 384 Spoilers: Nope, no spoilers! Rating:  Special: YABC Staff Review At first I want to thank HarperTeen for providing me with an e-ARC of this highly anticipated book by Sam J.… Lees verder

Review: “Our Dark Duet” (Monsters of Verity #2) by V.E. Schwab

Author: V.E. Schwab Genre: Fantas Publisher: Titan Books Release Date: 13th June 2016 Pages: 474 Spoilers: No spoilers unless you haven’t read the first book! Rating: After reading This Savage Song for the Bored to Death Book Club (which of course… Lees verder

July Book Releases

Hi guys, After a very long two weeks of silence (I had this thing called handing in my thesis, gosh, that was something different…) but I’m now back on both YouTube and here. So without further ado, here are some… Lees verder

VAKANTIE | Deze boeken heb ik mee

Ola lieve lezers, De zomer staat voor de deur, mijn scriptie is ingeleverd en op dit moment zit ik met mijn hele familie in Ouddorp (bij Zeeland) in een huisje aan zee. Het zomerse weer laat nog een beetje op… Lees verder

Recensie: “IJs als vuur” (Sneeuw als as #2) van Sara Raasch

Auteur: Sara Raasch Genre: High fantasy Uitgever: HarperCollins Holland Release Datum: 13 juni 2017 Pagina’s: 414 Spoilers: Geen spoilers, je kan deze recensie zonder problemen lezen. Wel raadt ik je aan om eerst Sneeuw als as te lezen voordat je deze recensie leest!  Waardering:… Lees verder

BACK ON YOUTUBE | 5 Books that made me cry

Hi guys, You’ll probably think: yeah whatever, I’ve heard this before… but this time, it’s for real! Just check out my new video in my new appartement with my very new and very gorgeous bookshelves you’ll be seeing a lot!… Lees verder

June Book Releases

Hello guys, how have you all been? I’ve been pretty busy with my internship, work and writing my thesis! This is also the reason why this post is uploaded this late. Instead of last Monday, I’m uploading it right now,… Lees verder