Rereading Insurgent

Since I’m from the Netherlands, I get to see the Insurgent movie pretty much as one of the first on the planet. That’s awesome. But, Insurgent… is complicated. I decided to reread Insurgent, and it’s pretty much nothing like I… Lees verder

3 Anticipated movies that YOU read first!

Books that are made into movies? Nothing new! It’s a super populair phenomenon and I can’t say anything else but that I love it. I picked three of my favorites of 2015 🙂 1. Insurgent (Divergent #2) Kick-ass and brave,… Lees verder

Looking For Alaska to be a movie!! *fangirling*

Oh my god! A couple of days ago, the news spread that Looking For  Alaska, my favorite book by the genius author John Green, will be a movie too! Along side The Fault in Our Stars and Paper Town, this… Lees verder

Review: "Shadow and Bone" (The Grisha #1) by Leigh Bardugo

Author: Leigh Bardugo Genre: Young Adult Fantasy Publication: Henry Holt and Co. (Dutch version: Blossom Books) Release Date: June 5th 2012 Pages: 358 Spoilers: You may proceed! I’ll try not to spoil. I wanted to read this book, but there were so many other… Lees verder