Release date "The Death Cure"

While we are still trying to get our shit (mind the language) together after seeing The Maze Runner, the release date of The Death Cure (The Maze Runner #3) is set for Feb. 17th 2017. Wait, what… 2017? That’s waaaay… Lees verder

Review: "Every Last Promise" by Kristin Halbrook

Author: Kristin Halbrook Genre: Young Adult Publication: HarperCollins Publishers Release Date: April 21 2015 Pages: 288 Spoilers: Nooooo! Special: YABC Staff Review (e-ARC) I am SOOO happy with this review! I want to thank Young Adult Books Central for giving me the opportunity… Lees verder

Review: "Het boek van Tess" door Miriam Bruijstens

Auteur: Miriam Bruijstens Genre: Young Adult/Drama Uitgever: Clavis Young Adult Release Datum: 28 Januari 2015 Pagina’s: 131 Spoilers: GEEN 🙂 Ook dit boek, net als Gebroken en De Laatsten, las ik voor het YA evenement van de Leesfabriek op 28 maart (morgen dus!). Miriam Bruijstens… Lees verder

Rereading Insurgent

Since I’m from the Netherlands, I get to see the Insurgent movie pretty much as one of the first on the planet. That’s awesome. But, Insurgent… is complicated. I decided to reread Insurgent, and it’s pretty much nothing like I… Lees verder