100th post + GIVE AWAY!

Goodmorning! Today my website has reached its 100th post! And that is something to celebrate! And this is how I’m going to do that… … you can win a package of fun stuff! It’s a give-away! The package includes: –… Lees verder

Review: "Looking for Alaska" by John Green

Author: John Green Genre: Young Adult/Sci-Fi/Fantasy Publication: Speak Release Date: December 28th, 2006 Pages: 256 Spoilers: One, that’s marked. But no real spoilers, which I’m proud of 🙂 It’s september 14th today, and in June I read Looking for Alaska during my vacation in… Lees verder

YA books dealing with teen struggles

I’ve been thinking about this topic for a while: reading books that contain teen struggles. Are they any help when you’re going through any of the mentioned struggles or does is worsen your struggles? From experience, I’d say: both. I’ve… Lees verder


Hi guys! Since I have my final two holiday weeks before my final exams, my youngest sister and I have made a list of books (that I own) we are going to read coming weeks and during the summer holidays.… Lees verder

Review: "The Fault in Our Stars" by John Green

Author: John Green Genre: Young Adult Publication: Penguin Books (Dutton Books) Release Date: January 1st 2012 Pages: 313 Spoilers: I’m so sorry but yes, there will be spoilers. I’m having a lot of trouble writing reviews without spoilers when I’m all emotional.… Lees verder

Laughs and tears: I just finished "The Fault in our Stars"

Even though I will be reviewing this book later on this weekend, this isn’t a review yet. But YES I will write one, I just need to let go of my emotions and feelings and ksjaflksa. I will do that… Lees verder

2013 End of Year Book Survey

  I’m actually kinda new with book blogs: I’ve been loving them since the day I found out about their existence, but I’ve never been a die hard bookblog reader or writer until this year. Well; die hard is not… Lees verder