Review: "Paper Towns" by John Green

Author: John Green Genre: Young Adult/Contemporary Publication: Speak Release Date: October 16, 2008 Pages: 305 Spoilers: I’ll try not to. And if there are spoilers, I will warn you! Rating: Since today is the BIG day, aka premiere day of Paper Towns, I want… Lees verder

Voorpremière Paper Towns

Jaaaaa! Het is officieel! Samen met De Leesfabriek en Pathé Amersfoort organiseer ik een Special Event, een voorpremière, van Paper Towns. Paper Towns is een boek van John Green, in Nederland uitgegeven door uitgeverij Lemniscaat, die verfilmd is en 30… Lees verder

Summer Recommendations #2: The DBC Staff

Hi guys, today July has kicked in and the temperatures in The Netherlands are extremely high. To cool off, we recommend a good book with an ice cold drink. And for the evenings we also have added some exciting movies… Lees verder

Teaser Trailer "Paper Towns" + first movie stills

Today has been a very exciting day for every John Green fan in the world! First of all, the movie poster of Paper Towns was released this week. Secondly, the trailer of Paper Towns is released tomorrow. But what about… Lees verder

3 Anticipated movies that YOU read first!

Books that are made into movies? Nothing new! It’s a super populair phenomenon and I can’t say anything else but that I love it. I picked three of my favorites of 2015 🙂 1. Insurgent (Divergent #2) Kick-ass and brave,… Lees verder

Looking For Alaska to be a movie!! *fangirling*

Oh my god! A couple of days ago, the news spread that Looking For  Alaska, my favorite book by the genius author John Green, will be a movie too! Along side The Fault in Our Stars and Paper Town, this… Lees verder

Christmas Holiday reads #1

It’s getting very very cold and dark outside, the Christmas tree is well decorated and you can’t stop listening to “All I Want for Christmas” and “Last Christmas”. Two joyful weeks of freedom, no school and no homework or studying.… Lees verder