Rereading Insurgent

Since I’m from the Netherlands, I get to see the Insurgent movie pretty much as one of the first on the planet. That’s awesome. But, Insurgent… is complicated. I decided to reread Insurgent, and it’s pretty much nothing like I… Lees verder

Monday Cover Challenge #1 "Waterfall"

Good evening book lovers, I have been blogging for a while, and came to the conclusion that the posts I did, have been very random. I’ve tried to structure it, but it’s not really working for me. I thought that… Lees verder

Book Tags: #coloredbooktag "Green"

Time for another crazy #coloredbooktag! I was tagged by somebody, but I can’t remember who tagged me, can’t find it anywhere, so I just posted it! I was tagged to do a red book tag but since I’ve already done… Lees verder