VLOG || Bookish Problems
Hi guys, have you even encountered problems with books that made you wanna scream and cry and maybe slap a publisher in the face? And with slap I mean maybe just sent a complaining Tweet… What I’m trying to say… Lees verder
Hi guys, have you even encountered problems with books that made you wanna scream and cry and maybe slap a publisher in the face? And with slap I mean maybe just sent a complaining Tweet… What I’m trying to say… Lees verder
Hi guys! Last night Michelle and I (and another friend of ours, Isabeau) went to see The Maze Runner AND The Scorch Trials during a 5 hour-during marathon. We were psyched and totally amazed (and scared) by the movie! Michelle… Lees verder
I’ve first read one of Alyson’s books about three years ago, while in Berlin I fell in love with the cover of “Echo”, which turned out to be the second book in the “The Soul Seekers” series. Back in the… Lees verder
Ha lieve Julie Kagawa fans! Waarschijnlijk staat bij jullie 30 oktober al roze gemarkeerd in jullie agenda. 30 oktober, denk je nu? JA! Want dan kom Julie Kagawa naar Nederland *fangirling*. Julie Kagawa kennen jullie waarschijnlijk van The Iron Fey… Lees verder
Author: Gena Showalter Genre: Fantasy Publication: Harlequin Enterprises Release date: August 27, 2013 Pages: 414 Spoilers: A little of the plot line, nothing major Rating: We all know the classic tale “Alice in Wonderland” that has been read to… Lees verder
I feel like having lived under a freaking rock but I didn’t know there was suppossed to be a trailer of the “The Fifth Wave” movie already! But… here we are! And here it is! Chloe Grace Moretz is starring… Lees verder
Note: This post will be Dutch, since it is a coverage of a Dutch event! Lieve Dutchies, afgelopen zaterdag vond de allereerste editie van de Best of YA Academy plaats! De eerste editie ging over het verfilmen van een boek.… Lees verder
Hi guys! Since these event took place in Utrecht, the Netherlands, both this post and video will be in Dutch! In short: we met up with some people from a books & series fanpage to talk, shop and eat! Op… Lees verder
Author: Harper Lee Genre: Fiction Publication: HarperCollins Release Date: July 14th 2015 Pages: 278 Spoilers: There isn’t really anything to spoil to be completely honest. Rating: I’ve read To Kill a Mockingbird in high school and absolutely loved it. So… Lees verder
Author: Jennifer E. Smith Genre: Young Adult Publication: Little, Brown Books for Young Adults Release Date: September 1, 2015 Pages: 256 Spoilers: I don’t think so! Special: YABC Staff Review (e-ARC) Rating: Thank you so much YABC and Little, Brown Books… Lees verder