Exams and stuff
Dear readers, As you might have noticed, I haven’t been updating for a while. This is caused by the fact that I’m very busy with school. Next week I have school exams and in May I have my final exams.… Lees verder
Dear readers, As you might have noticed, I haven’t been updating for a while. This is caused by the fact that I’m very busy with school. Next week I have school exams and in May I have my final exams.… Lees verder
Last Sunday I went to see Vampire Academy in Utrecht, because I won a ticket to go the the Dutch premiere. Officially, it will hit the cinemas Thursday 20 February, 2014. I hadn’t read the book when I went there,… Lees verder
Today I got a message I got selected to see Vampire Academy in Utrecht, the first time it is shown in the Netherlands. I can’t wait, even though I will have to wake up really early to get there… And… Lees verder
A room without books is like a body without a soul – Cicero
Sometimes I am really excited about a book or an author without even reading one of their books. I didn’t know exactly how to feature that on my blog, so I decided to write about an author I haven’t read… Lees verder
Author: Jay Asher Genre: Young Adult/Real Fiction Publication: Razorbill Release Date: October 18th 2007 (first edition) Pages: 288 (paperback edition) Spoilers: There will be some spoilers, because I know I can’t help myself but spill some. Tho I do think this book is… Lees verder
Hi guys, I’ve been trying to find a new and improved lay-out, but it’s been pretty impossible. I tried some different styles but they never matched my wishes (or they weren’t free). So as you can see I made a… Lees verder
Author: John Green Genre: Young Adult Publication: Penguin Books (Dutton Books) Release Date: January 1st 2012 Pages: 313 Spoilers: I’m so sorry but yes, there will be spoilers. I’m having a lot of trouble writing reviews without spoilers when I’m all emotional.… Lees verder
Even though I will be reviewing this book later on this weekend, this isn’t a review yet. But YES I will write one, I just need to let go of my emotions and feelings and ksjaflksa. I will do that… Lees verder
Author: Julie Kagawa Genre: Young Adult Fantasy Publication: Harlequin Young Adult Release Date: February 1st 2010 Pages: 363 Spoilers: Maybe some small ones. I never have really talked about my obsession with this series, so I guess it’s good to tell… Lees verder