Hi guys,
There’s been a lot of discussion about how to make your bookblog more personal – something I know I have to improve. I love blogging and I love writing about books, movies and series. And so do my other bloggers Rebecca, Frederique, Julia and Aranka. But personal? Not really. That’s why I added my picture to the front page of my blog. Not to gloat, or something, but just to let the readers know who’s the voice of this blog. But to give it an extra little touch, I will to a “Sunday Tea” every now and then. Every Sunday I’ll come up with a more “personal” book (or film/series) related question that I (or later on my other bloggers) will answer. Hopefully we will be able to personalize our blog more!
So for today, I picked an easy question: what are your most read books? Some people have told me they’ve read a certain book for at least 5 times. Others look at me like I’m crazy when I tell them I re-read books. “Why would you read it again? You already know what’s going to happen, don’t you?” I think they miss the point of experiencing a book, instead of just trying to find out how a book ends. Here are 5 of my most re-read books!
1. Twilight (series) – Stephanie Meyer
Twilight was the first bookseries ever I fell in love with. I caught up with the hype pretty late – just after New Moon was released at the cinemas. Breaking Dawn was just released as a book. At the same time, I failed high school and had to redo a year (ended up going back a level but finished high school at the highest level possible in the end). You might imagine I had a hard time dealing with reality. When I got introduced to Twilight over the summer vacation, I found my escape and fell in love with the fictional characters. Ever since that moment, I’ve re-read Twilight in both Dutch and English for about 5 times in total. I could quote the first words of the book by heart…
2. The Last Song – Nicholas Sparks
While Twilight was an escape from reality, in reality, I was a big fan of Miley Cyrus. Back then, she still wore clothes and got long curly hair. Don’t get me wrong: I still love her. But back then, she was making “The Last Song” movie with Liam Hemsworth. Her character was mad at the world around her. As was I. It was the year after Twilight. I ordered the book online and read it. I fell in love with it. It was during the summer vacation that I read the book and I read it during the summer vacation every year ever since that first time.
3. Harry Potter (series) – J.K. Rowling
I feel like I don’t have to explain this. I’ve read Harry Potter multiple times, over a long period of time. That’s why I didn’t put Harry Potter at the top of the list. My father has always been a big fan of the books. It’s also the only books (besides The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit) he’s ever read for fun. He got me addicted to this series. First in Dutch and then in English. I’m still saving up for a pretty hardcover box set. Harry Potter takes you to magical places. And sometimes, that’s all a person needs.
4. The Iron Fey (series) – Julie Kagawa
This series I started reading during a period in which I wasn’t in a happy place. I won’t go into that. But this series has a special meaning to me. They kind of saved me from reality too – as did Twilight. This series amazed me. It gave me hope. The world that was opened up to me got me hooked on reading even more. I’ve re-read the first book so many times. The second and third book too, the fourth two times. And the fifth, sixth and seventh all once. But the series are so good. I love them with all my heart. I can see myself re-reading this series in the future.
5. The Fault in Our Stars – John Green
I usually try not to re-read books, for the only reason that I’m afraid they will stop to amaze me if I read them too often. I’ve read The Fault in Our Stars only two times, but I did so much research to the book, that it feels as if I’ve reread it a lot of times. I also read “This Star Won’t Go Out” by Esther Earl, which made me cry for hours. It’s what TFiOS is based on. John Green knows how to write a good story: every John Green book will break your heart. This book did. But it also gave me hope. I think I might reread this book over the summer vacation this year 😉
What books have you re-read the most? I think books should be re-read if you love them. Why not have an amazing experience for the second time?
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Ik heb alleen looking for alaska en de divergent series twee keer gelezen. Vroeger las ik wel de boeken van hoe overleef ik heel erg vaak! Ik wil wel nog een keer aristotle and dante discover the secret of the universe, eleanor & park en the infernal devices nog een keer lezen! The infernal devices ga ik denk ik nog een keer lezen door de graphic novels te lezen ervan!
Die klinken allemaal super tof! Ik moet ook snel Eleanor & Park gaan lezen 😮
Leuk artikel! Ik denk dat Harry Potter, Twilight en TFIOS ook wel op mijn lijstje staan hoewel ik geen van allen onlangs nog heb gelezen haha.
Hahaha, ik denk dat Harry Potter bij zo’n beetje iedereen wel op de lijst staat!