Review: "Suicide Squad"

Release date: August 5, 2016
Lang uage: English
Director: David Ayer
Based on: DC Comic Characters by Robert Kanigher and Ross Andru
Stars: Will Smith, Jared Leto, Margot Robbie, Viola Davis, Cara Delevingne etc.
IMDB rating: 7,1
Rating: 4.0 Stars (4.0 / 5)

Suicide Squad – the second DC movie I ever went to, the first being Batman Vs. Superman. An oh boy, did they improve.

I was impressed by the characters, acting, story and sometimes even the special effects even though they could still learn some more when it comes to those.

I doubt that I’d have to even give you one, but here’s a summary anyways;

“A secret government agency recruits a group of imprisoned supervillains to execute dangerous black ops missions in exchange for clemency, which inevitably leads to chaos. “ [IMDb]

57dd0070-b1c9-4233-93b5-bf8569154cebSo this movie takes villains to a whole new level. Instead of taking a bad guy and fighting him off with a bunch of do-gooders, they take the criminals and have them fight the worse guy. The criminals in this movie being Harley Quinn, who absolutely stole the show with her hilarious lines, posture, actions and intense backstory. Along with Harley Quinn we have Deadshot, Killer Croc, Captain Boomerang and El Diablo.

As we get to know each character by the use of flashbacks, which I praise in this movie, we also learn that they’re not all that bad and just trying to make the best of their situations in the worst way possible, except for Captain Boomerang. That dude’s just a criminal.

Suicide Squad doesn’t only involve the Suicide Squad. We also get to see Jared Leto and his genius take on the Joker, which led to a whole lot of crazy on set. His character was so intense, despite having only a half-minor role in the movie, with him not really being involved in either the problem or the solution, I must say that I really can’t picture this movie without him.

Cara Delevingne shows us what a great actress she can be in this movie by taking on the role of June Moone and The Enchantress. We get to see her be both incredibly vulnerable but also extremely powerful and confident. Her character has both ends of the spectrum and I’m so glad that Cara got to do it.b2f50369-ccb6-40a4-8eba-f466c4a46ae8

The story is one that’s not too difficult to follow. I didn’t expect it to be like this but I have no idea what else I did expect. It was action packed but had its sweet moments and even the comedy fit right in between all the other things going on. When my friend asked me to describe the movie, I chose the words “chaotic but great” and I still stand by my decision.

About the special effects, some were great and others could have been better. Though I understand how much work, time and money goes into creating a movie like this, I do think they could have done better on some of the effects, raising expectations by having the amount of promotional material explode the way it did. This movie was everywhere until it came out and it is still on almost every website I open, telling me to go see the movie. I understand that they must promote the film and get people curious, but so far I think DC has been over-doing it a little.

One more thing I’d like to talk about is the set-up for Justice League. In the movie, we get a glimpse of The Flash. Oh, my God. I’m so excited for this! As I don’t know much about DC, I have no idea what to expect. I do watch The Flash and Arrow, which I think are great shows, but that doesn’t mean that they’d do well in a movie. Guess we’ll have to wait and see?

Over-all I really loved this movie and all it’s hilarious glory, thinking this movie needs at least 3 re-watches. If anyone ever asks me to go see this movie, I will. Just so the other person gets to see this masterpiece as well.

Let us know what you thought of the movie and if you’re excited for Justice League! 

In a nutshell:
Liked it: Ouiiii
Loved it: Yes!
Re-watch: Already did and I’d do it again
Cinema worthy: Yes!
Remarks: “The overall plot could’ve been better, but despite that, this movie is definitely worth your time & money. I fell in love with Harley Quinn and Deadshot, they were amazing on screen and they both made every scene they were in. Leto’s controversional Joker took me by surprise; I had some doubts but he exceeded my expections by a million. Go see it, you won’t regret it!” – Julia


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