Oh my god guys – this wrap up is going to be so small. I only read two and a half books in March, which means I only have two books to show you for this wrap up! But you know, as promised, here’s my March 2020 Book wrap up!
1. The Paper Girl of Paris – Jordyn Taylor
So at the beginning of March, I read this amazing e-ARC that takes place in Paris during WOII, but also in Paris nowadays. It’s historical romance – something I am no too familiar with, so I needed to get used to it in the beginning. Turns out, it’s a lovely and enchanting story! You can read my whole review HERE or on YABC HERE.

2. Red Queen – Victoria Aveyard
You guys – Red Queen was such a lovely read. I know a lot of people enjoyed this series (I am super late to the party), but I also know there’s a lot of critique on these series. So I went into it fresh, and enjoyed it a lot. After finishing Red Queen, I was all hyped up to just binge read my way through the whole series. So I started Glass Sword immediately and damn I got stuck. VERY VERY stuck. I have never had so much trouble getting through a book yet liked it all the same. And that’s why I haven’t reviewed Red Queen yet – I just don’t know how to do that. Might do a video on the whole series in the future. Anyways – I only finished reading Red Queen so that’s it for this wrap up.

That was it guys – my March 2020 Book wrap up! Let me know down below in the comments what books you’ve read in March and see you next time!