January 2020 Book wrap up

For 2020, I want to monthly share all books that I’ve read over a month. I do not review all the books that I read, as I work for a publisher and tend to read a lot for work, and this way I can still share all books that I read. I want to start with noting that my goal is to read one book per week. Unfortunately, I didn’t reach my goal of reading 4 books in January, but I’m still glad with the three books I read! Here’s my January 2020 Book wrap up.

1. All the Bright Places – Jennifer Niven

All the Bright Places has been on top of my TBR for soooo long, but because of the hype, I was afraid it would disappoint me. Fortunately, it did not, and I loved it tons. Want to know my thoughts exactly? Just click HERE for the whole review!

All the Bright Places.
All the Bright Places.

2. Ik mis je – Gillian King

This beautiful Dutch feelgood novel really stood up above most feelgood novels, as the characters were worked out very well and the storyline was super interesting. I think it has much more to offer than just your average feelgood novel. If you love Jojo Moyes, you will love Ik mis je. (This book is written in Dutch originally and there is no translation to English available).

I read this book for work.

Me reading Ik mis je.
Me reading Ik mis je.

3. Gek van jou! – Jette Schröder

Gek van jou! is one of those novels you just have to finish within a weekend. I laughed so much during this read and enjoyed reading it a lot while drinking a big cup of tea and some chocolate. I think the storyline is very funny, it’s modern and it has a lot of romantic (yet funny) scenes. Totally recommend this book! (This book is written in Dutch originally and there is no translation to English available.)

I read this book for work.

Gek van jou!
Gek van jou!

That was it guys – my January 2020 Book wrap up! Let me know down below in the comments what books you’ve read in January and see you next time!

Nanouk Meijer

Nanouk is the founder and owner of the website. She runs the website, takes care of the lay-out, give-aways, social media, book reviews and events. She is 25 years old and graduated from 'Comparative Literature' at Utrecht University. She is Digital Product Manager at HarperCollins Holland and staff reviewer at YA Books Central. She breaths books.

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