Time for another crazy #coloredbooktag! I was tagged by somebody, but I can’t remember who tagged me, can’t find it anywhere, so I just posted it! I was tagged to do a red book tag but since I’ve already done that, I decided to do a green book tag!
From top to bottom:
Sever – Lauren DeStefano
This book is actually ‘new’ to my collection. I bought it second hand from some girl in the Netherlands. It took me over an hours to get to her house but I got it! I have a special edition that isn’t sold anymore by the publisher so I had to be sure the Fever edition I already got matched the new Sever edition! Now I only need Wither and I can start reading the whole series…
Everything is Illuminated – Jonathan Safran Foer
I had to read and analyse this book for my study Comparative Literature and I gotta be honest: it is a cool book. Some parts are a little bit boring, but other parts are just GENIUS. If you like something more complicated yet funny literary book to read, you should definitely read this book!
Ignite Me – Taharah Mafi
God I cannot wait to read the whole series! I already started on Shatter Me but had to put it down to read Monsters by Ilsa J Bick. Anyways, I was just very surprised I couldn’t pick it up afterwards, but I’m going to read the whole series very soon! I’m so excited and my lill’ sister Roos has read it too… so she wants to fangirl about it with me! 😉
This Star Won’t Go Out – Esther Earl
Guys, I cannot even say ONE bad thing about this book. It’s heartbreaking and heartwarming at the same time. This book really got me thinking and it is so hard to read about this girl who’s so sick… I cried A LOT. Esther is a hero, really. John Green dedicated The Fault in Our Stars to this strong girl. READ IT! NOW! Here’s what I though about it.
Crewel – Gennifer Albin
So I bought this book in a sale Tuesday and I thought: oh, the cover is so pretty! Turns out this is some weird version and the other covers are even prettier. But besides the cover, the back flap said something about time weaving… it sounded very interesting! I don’t know if anybody’s read this book? I’d like to know!
The Lost Prince – Julie Kagawa
I actually got the Dutch version, but I loved this book! Right now, I’m reading The Iron Traitor (which is #2 of Call of the Forgotten, an Iron Fey spin off series). The series is great and The Lost Prince really surprised me! I got high hopes and they all came true! Read my review HERE.
The Maze Runner – James Dashner
This book really got me nervous four about a whole day – that’s how long it took for me to read it. I loved it and the movie was amazing too! WOW. YES. The book has got all one need. Cannot wait to read the other parts! I have the box set so I can enjoy the series for a while 🙂
Please let me know if you’ve read any of these books and whether you liked them?
Here are some follow ups, I picked purple for the ppl I tagged: