Meet Kiera Cass: Epic Author
Thank you, Epic Reads, for this amazing video! It features Kiera Cass, author of the Selection Series (you can read my reviews here, here and here). Find out more about Kiera in this vid, posted on Dec. 24th!
Thank you, Epic Reads, for this amazing video! It features Kiera Cass, author of the Selection Series (you can read my reviews here, here and here). Find out more about Kiera in this vid, posted on Dec. 24th!
It’s that time of year again, when all the new reading challenges are made up. It’s that time of year again, when old reading challenges have failed or succeeded. To be honest, I’ve never done a 20-something reading challenge. I… Lees verder
Author: Julie Kagawa Genre: Young Adult Fantasy Publication: Harlequin Teen Release Date: October 23rd 2012 Pages: 377 Spoilers: Some, but nothing big (only if you haven’t read the series of The Iron Fey)! Some spin offs are doomed to fail. But this one… Lees verder
Dear book lovers, I wish you a very merry Christmas! May there be a lot of fantastic books under the Christmas tree for you guys! Love, Nanouk
It’s getting very very cold and dark outside, the Christmas tree is well decorated and you can’t stop listening to “All I Want for Christmas” and “Last Christmas”. Two joyful weeks of freedom, no school and no homework or studying.… Lees verder
I hadn’t had time to update you about the Insurgent trailer yesterday, since I was celebrating my 20th birthday. But yesterday, Friday 12th, the official Insurgent movietrailer – Divergent’s sequel – got released. After a somewhat misleading Teaser Trailer I was… Lees verder
Author: Jenny Valentine Genre: Drama, Young Adult/Children, Contemporary Publication: Harper Collins Children’s Books Release Date: January 7th 2008 Pages: 256 Spoilers: No, not really. It was during the period that I just got released from the hospital due to a viral infection on my… Lees verder
Just 12 hours ago Lauren Kate posted something very exciting on her social media: she has already seen the Fallen movie and said it is amazing! Unfortunately we have to wait until fall 2015 until we can see Fallen. I’m… Lees verder
Hi guys, You might have noticed that I’m a bit behind on posting book reviews – something I’m really sad about. I’m reading a lot for school, so reading books for ‘myself’ has been a bit too much the last… Lees verder
Yeey, I’m so happy to announce the three winners of the give-away! Two are chosen from Facebook and one is chosen from Twitter. Unfortunately I couldn’t read/approve/admit any comments on my website due to some technical issues. Sorry! So… congrats… Lees verder