Series introduction: “Game of Thrones”

Aired: 20011 – present
Network: HBO [United States/United Kingdom]
Production: HBO, television 360
Seasons: 6
Duration: 56 minutes
Genre: Adventure, drama, fantasy
IMDb rating: 9,5/10
My rating: 5 Stars  (5 / 5)


“In the mythical continent of Westeros, several powerful families fight for control of the Seven Kingdoms. As conflict erupts in the kingdoms of men, an ancient enemy rises once again to threaten them all. Meanwhile, the last heirs of a recently usurped dynasty plot to take back their homeland from across the Narrow Sea.” [IMDB]

My opinion
Now that winter is coming, literally, it’s time to bring Game of Thrones to the series introduction! (and yes, that joke had to be made). Nevertheless, prepare for a lot of grieve, try not to get too attached to characters, because once you get to know writer George RR Martin, you’ll figure out that none of them are safe. Like Cersei Lannister (Lena Headey) said somewhere during the first season: “When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die”.

Game of Thrones is a complex world in the content of Westeros. It’s based in a medieval setting where kings and queens rule over their kingdom and have lords rule different sections of it. The seven families are:

  • The StarksAfbeeldingsresultaat voor game of thrones gif
  • The Lannisters
  • The Targaryans
  • The Baratheons
  • The Tyrells
  • The Greyjoys
  • The Tully’s

In short, the Starks are warden of the North, the Baratheons rule the seven kingdoms, and the Lannisters stand beside the Baratheons, provide them with money. Ah, and not to forget, Cersei Lannister is the queen of Westeros. Lastly, you have the Targaryans, who were the original rulers of the seven kingdoms and plot to get back onto the throne, made from dozens of swords, claimed during battle. These are the four houses that are mainly talked about during the first few seasons, although the other ones are mentioned as well, yet not as prominently viewed. Complicated, right? And this isn’t even the complete explanation with all the vetes and history between the families…

The content of Game of Thrones is basically exactly as the name suggests. All of the houses try to get to the top and don’t seem too have that many problems when it comes to using all means necessary. During each episode, the focus shifts from family to family, according to where something is happening at that moment. Beside the seven families, there is the night’s watch, which are sworn protectors of the wall that provides a border between the North and the áctual North, where wildlings roam freely. It’s not a safe place for ‘Southeners’ (as they like to call people from south of the wall), but while the series continues, you’ll find out that it’s not so safe for Northeners either; winter is coming and it brings danger with it.

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor game of thrones gifI discovered Game of Thrones when it was firstly broadcasted on Dutch television (on a network that wasn’t HBO). I vaguely heard of the show and figured it was worth the try, but I was already lost at the first episode and didn’t finish it. Nevertheless, a bit later, I decided to give it another go. I looked it up, read a little bit into it (while trying to avoid any spoilers) and then started watching it. Two weeks later, I was three seasons further and had to wait for seven more months until the next season aired. Once the story pulls you in, you’re not able to let it go. The show is complex, but the complexity makes it even more interesting and getting to know the families isn’t as complicated as it might seem when you read the information above. Even if you’re not that into fantasy or medieval tv shows, Game of Thrones is a series that you have to give a shot before you say no to it. If not for the content, then for the exceptional amazingly acting performances or the incredible decor and special effects. Trust me: it’s worth the try.

Judith Revenberg

Judith is a reviewer at this website, specialized in series. She studies International Communication and Media and has a talent of binging through four seasons of a TV show in less than three weeks. In her spare time she sports, writes fiction, watches movies/series or cooks for her roommates. Sarcasm and bad puns might be found in her articles, so read them at your own risk.

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