You probably know that one friend that seems to have read ALL books in the universe. Just to calm you down: nobody has and neither has your friend. But you must admit, while your friend might’ve read A LOT of books, you both have a couple of read books in common. Even better, I think lots of people share the same read books. But what books are we talking about exactly?
1. Harry Potter
This series needs no introduction – if you haven’t read it, you’re a muggle. Also, you’re a muggle too if you think the movie was better than the books. People who say that, obviously haven’t read the books yet. Yes, yes, Emma Watson is perfect in the movies, but the books are just better. They contain more magic than the movies ever had. So, Harry Potter, the number one spot without a doubt. Almost EVERYBODY has read these books.
Why you SHOULD read this book when you haven’t yet: Come on, you’re not a real booklover if you haven’t experienced the full Harry Potter world. Harry Potter is one of THE BEST series ever written, and you can oppose that, but your opinion will be unpopulair. Plus, there’s a ‘new’ book coming out this year. So get started right now!
2. The Hunger Games
There’s no denying that Suzanne Collins has left her mark on the bookworld. It was like a bomb exploding but also the beginning of a whole new era: YA Dystopian books that are still ruling the market. Katniss who? Nobody says that anymore. We all know the girl on fire, and we all know it’s REAL. IT’S REAL, OKAY? Getting emotional all over again.
Why you SHOULD read this book when you haven’t yet: So you have seen all of the movies, right?! And you loved them, right? And you’ve heard the books are even better. You wonder: is that possible? YES. YES IT IS. Now get your lazy ass off the couch and buy the book. Don’t you want to know what is really going on in the character’s minds?
3. The Fault in Our Stars
I think one of the most famous YA authors must be John Green, breaking hearts of fangirls since 300 BC. Nah, kidding, not that long. But breaking hearts seems to be his biggest talent. Admit it – you’ve read the book, you’ve seen the movie and you’ve cried like a baby at several moments during the book/movie even thought you’re usually just a tough person like Katniss Everdeen. But no matter how strong Hazel Grace is, or for that matter you are, even the girl on fire has to let it out now and this. This heartbreaking book deserves a spot at the top of the list.
Why you SHOULD read this book when you haven’t yet: Well, you cried during the movie, am I right? Now go get some tissues and get some chocolate (well, maybe LOTS of chocolate) and get started on this wonderful yet soul shattering book. It’s a must!
4. Twilight – Stephenie Meyer
Release date:
No matter how hard everybody’s trying to deny it, at some points in our life, we all were TwiHards – Twilight’s biggests fans. And you might hate the series now, or have a more nuanced opinion about it, just over 3 years ago, you were all the way #TeamEdward / #TeamJacob. Twi-what? That thing with the shiny vampires? Yes, exactly that film that got all of us longing for creepy stalker-ish love, right?
Why you SHOULD read this book when you haven’t yet: I would tell you to go read it right now, because when Twilight came out, Twilight was the world. Damn, Twilight was LIFE itself. Maybe Twilight is a little old right now. But if you are willing to go over a lot of swooning and Edward kissing, go ahead. Be my guest and start reading this series.
5. Divergent
Probably people will say 100%: “Oh yeah I’ve heard about it” and about 80% will be like: “Yes I’ve read it!”. There’s always this 20% that somehow has decided not to read Divergent. I can’t explain it. Because, come on, it’s pretty good and Divergent has grown quite fast. Also, Veronica Roth knows how to break hearts, if we’re talking about that (JOHN GREEN). I must admit the last book in the series was different from what I expected, I really enjoyed reading them. And you know what, you should too, if you haven’t already!
Why you SHOULD read this book when you haven’t yet: Well, first of all, the movies are okay, but the books are GOOD. Because well, Veronica Roth is a great author. And there’s a lot of sass in the books too. So go. Go. Go. Go. Read these books. Don’t forget to breath.
Want any of these books? Buy them here:
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The hunger games en Twilight heb ik nooit gelezen, omdat ik de films al had gezien!
Zeker de moeite waard om de boeken te lezen, vooral wat betreft The Hunger Games! Dus… als je ooit nog iets gaat lezen, raad ik die zeker aan! x