Top 5 TV Christmas Specials!

We all have our favorite shows. We all get excited when something special happens in the show and we all adore Christmas specials, right?! Well, in honor to celebrate Christmas on TV, I have listed the 5 most awesome Christmas specials.

5. Lost- The Constant
Although not much like the others on this list, I thought it deserved a spot. This is the only time Lost has spent time on the holidays. Penny and Desmond re-unite on Christmas and there is nothing as special as seeing two people who definitely should be together, finally get together. Yay, love!

4. Community – “Abed’s Uncontrollable Christmas”
Who doesn’t love Community?! This is the 11th episode in the 2nd season. It is quite special as it is a stop-motion episode. The show’s first attempt at a Christmas episode turned out to be a great success when the episode earned them an Emmy award for Individual Achievement of Animation.

3. Friends – “The One With The Holiday Armadillo”
Season 7, episode 10. Friends has a couple of Christmas specials, all as good as can be expected of the show, but this one definitely deserves a spot on our list. Ben, Ross’ son visits him for Christmas. Ross is excited to teach him about Hanukkah, but doesn’t want to take away the Christmas spirit. He can’t find a Santa-suit, so decides to dress up as the “Holiday Armadillo”. Hilarious to see how this plays out and gets ruined when Santa and Superman show up.

2. The Office (US) – “Christmas Party”
Season 2, episode 10. This show manages to make everyone laugh. We get to see how Secret Santa takes a weird turn and ends up possibly screwing up Christmas. There’s also some drinking involved and nudity in a kind of hilarious manner.

1. The Simpsons – “Simpsons Roasting On An Open Fire”
The first Simpsons episode ever. How could we not put this one in the list?! As they come short on money, Homer takes on a job as a mall Santa. He ends up losing the money he earned on betting on a dog in a race named Santa’s Little Helper. Homer takes the dog home, making the family as happy as can be.


What are your favorite Christmas episodes? Let us know!

Merry Christmas! x

Rebecca van der Elst

Rebecca is reviewer at the website, specialized in films. Rebecca is in love with any movie that features either cute animated characters or strong sexy heroes/heroïnes. You will always laugh with this girl.

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