New Cassandra Clare book!!!

So the cast of the new Shadowhunters tv show that will be airing next year is promoting their show at NYCC (New York Comic Con). They decided to keep us updated through Snapchat (follow them: tvshadowhunter) about NYCC. Off course… Lees verder

Shadowhunters cast reveal #2

Are you ready for the second part of the Shadowhunters cast reveal? Our whole team has been checking internet feverishly the past couple of minutes, but here we are, blogging about the two newest cast members! And we are quite… Lees verder

The Mortal Instruments TV series "Shadowhunters"

Today was a great day for all of us shadowhunters! It was announced that The Mortal Instruments will be a TV series at ABC Family, called “Shadowhunters”. The first season will have 13 (!!) episodes and filming starts in May!… Lees verder