Recensie “Op de Rand van het Niets” door Corinne Duyvis

Auteur: Corinne Duyvis Genre: Science Fiction Uitgever: HarperCollins Release Datum: 14 maart 2017 Pagina’s: 352 Spoilers: GEEN SPOILERS! Waardering:  Ik heb het boek Op de Rand van het Niets van Corinne Duyvis gekregen van HarperCollins. Ontzettend bedankt dat ik dit boek mocht ontvangen en er… Lees verder

Review “Age of Order” by Julian North

Author: Julian North Genre: Science Fiction Publisher: Self published Release Date:  February 6th 2017 Pages: 407 Spoilers: NO SPOILERS! Rating:   Age of Order is the debut novel of Julian North and it is a great debut as well! Age of Order was… Lees verder

Review: “Gideon Smith and the Mechanical Girl” by David Barnett

Author: David Barnett Genre: Science Fiction / Steampunk Publication: Snowbooks Ltd Release date: September 10th 2013 Pages: 351 Spoilers: NO SPOILERS! Rating: I bought this book on a book fair solely because the cover was so beautiful (we must all… Lees verder

Review “The Windup Girl” by Paolo Bacigalupi

Author: Paolo Bacigalupi Genre: Science Fiction Publisher: Night Shade Books Release Date: September 1st 2009 Pages: 359 Spoilers: NO SPOILERS! Rating: I’ve been wanting to read The Windup Girl ever since I started working on my thesis for University. My… Lees verder