Interview with Laure Eve
It was a semi-hot Friday in the Netherlands when I was on my way to an interview with author Laure Eve in Amsterdam. On my way there, I convinced myself I had time to buy myself new pants, so that’s… Lees verder
It was a semi-hot Friday in the Netherlands when I was on my way to an interview with author Laure Eve in Amsterdam. On my way there, I convinced myself I had time to buy myself new pants, so that’s… Lees verder
Hi guys, Yesterday I got the chance to do an interview with Laure Eve, author of the amazing “The Graces” (a Dutch review will follow this week). She was in Amsterdam and will be back next weekend to do a… Lees verder
Hi allemaal, Het is al bijna september, en september betekent Literatour! Huh, wat? Literatour? Als ik zeg, Young Adult boekenweek, snap je het dan? Ja? Helemaal goed, want het gaat weer gebeuren. Ook dit jaar wordt er weer een hele… Lees verder