2013 End of Year Book Survey

  I’m actually kinda new with book blogs: I’ve been loving them since the day I found out about their existence, but I’ve never been a die hard bookblog reader or writer until this year. Well; die hard is not… Lees verder

Four brand new books I'm dying to read

What’s up? I’ve been busy lately, again, so I’ll just give you guys a quick update on what I’ve been reading (apart from Catching Fire, which, unfortunately, I still haven’t finished re-reading). Twice a year, my favorite internet webshop (bol.com)… Lees verder

How does finishing a trilogy feel? Ilsa J. Bick answers!

Ilsa J. Bick is the author of the for me familiar “Ashes” trilogy. I’ve bought Ashes totally random at a bookshop near my home and didn’t have any clue whether I would like it or not. Honestly, I was totally… Lees verder

Time for… SPAIN!

Tonight I’m flying to Calella, Spain! It’s my first vacation abroad without my parents and I’m really excited! Three of my best friends are joining me! The next eight days will be: sleep, beach, eating, drinking, partying and… SOME READING!… Lees verder