Eventhough the current corona pandemic is not something to take lightly, or to joke about, we must stay positive! Being negative will help nobody here. So let’s look at a bright side and let’s start reading during the quarantine!
1. Finally some ME time
We’re always complaining there’s not enough time to read because we have our social lives and we need to go to the gym – you name it. But now a big part of the world is bound to their homes, there’s no excuse. YOU. CAN. READ. ALL. DAY. LONG. Of course you might have to work and/or study from home, but think about all that extra time you have to read. To possibilities are endless!

2. Goodreads reading challenge
I’ve always been one to complain about not completing my Goodreads reading challenge. This year, the quarantine will help me get through it! Reading one book per week (as my challenge is always 52 books per year) is going to be easy peasy lemon squeesy! How about your reading challenge?
2020 Reading Challenge
3. Binge read a new series
Book series than contain three or more books are always mentally challenging to start. Because you want to binge read your way through the whole series, but where do you find time to do that? Hello quarantine! Binge reading is all the hype now!
4. Lower that tbr pile
Do you have a tbr pile that’s been bigger than the pile of books that you’re actually read? You’re not alone in this. Finally, you can get through that tbr pile in no time! Reading three books per week is going to be pretty easy right now.

5. Read more, buy more, support your local bookstore!
Depending on how strict the rules of you quarantine are, you might be able to order books from your local bookstore without even leaving your house! Support your local bookstore during these hard times – you need them too. After two weeks of quarantine, you will probably want more books!
As you can read, there are tons of reasons why you should start reading during the quarantine!
Here at Dutch Book Chick we take the outbreak of the corona virus very seriously. However, we do think that you should always try to stay positive during hard times! For us, books are a way to escape. So please share some book love and let us know what book you’re reading down below in the comments! STAY SAFE!
I’ll start: I am reading Glass Sword by Victoria Aveyard. Binge reading for the win!