November Book Releases

Hello once again, November. It feels as is October only started yesterday. But, don’t be sad! November brings us some a-ma-zing books you will not want to miss out on! As always, I made a list of the five books I am most excited for. This november really brings us a lot of awesome contemporary books by some of our favorite authors. Ready? Here we go!


Yoon_9780553496680_jkt_all_r1.indd1. The Sun is Also a Star – Nicola Yoon
Release Date: November 1st, 2016
Publisher: Delacorte Press
This book is at the top of my list and I cannot wait to get my hands on a copy of this beauty. Nicola Yoon is known for her now very famous book Everything, Everything that will be a movie very soon. It’s heartbreaking but also very sweet, and my review can be found here. The book is about Natasha who is really a big fan of the facts. No destiny for her. Daniel, the other main character, has been living up to his parents’ high expectations since forever. When they meet, a million futures are possible. Which one will come true? Read more….


a-million-worlds-with-you2. A Million Worlds With You (Firebird #3) – Claudia Gray
Release Date: November 1st, 2016
Publisher: HarperTeen
Dear oh dear, do I have to say more? This last installment of the Firebird series will blow your mind, I’m sure of that. The series has been captivating readers around the world for months now, and this book will mean the ending of it. The slogan says: “A million universes. A million dangers. One destiny.” Sounds pretty interesting and is also foreshadowing an epic ending. I know that you will love it (maybe just as much as we ADORE the cover, LOVE IT!) Read more…


heartless3. Heartless – Marissa Meyer
Release Date: November 8th
Publisher: Fewel & Friends
A new book by Marissa Meyer? I AM IN! This epic retelling of Alice in Wonderland is what everybody has been talking about for months. I am very curious to find out if the book can live up to its expectations. And if it can, I think this might be just your new favorite book of the fall. The story is about young Catherine, who is destined to be the new Queen. But as many young people, she wants to do something entirely different. She has to choose between two fates and I am dying to find out what’s going to happen. Read more…


we-are-still-tornadoes4. We Are Still Tornadoes – Michael Kun and Susan Mullen
Release Date: November 1st
Publisher:  St. Martin’s Griffin
We Are Still Tornadoes caught my eye somewhere around three weeks ago. It seemed like one of those books that, at first, doesn’t seem like anything special. But once you start reading it, you will fall in love with everything. The book tells the story of best friends Scott and Cath, who, after graduation, are going separate ways. They write each other letters and start wondering: what if they could be more than just friends? I LOVE IT. Books with letters (or e-mails) are always better! Read more…


the-amateurs5. The Amateurs – Sara Shepard
Release Date: November 1st
Publisher: Disney-Hyperion
I say Sara Shepard, you say… Pretty Little Liars! The mastermind of PLL is writing a new book(series) and it’s epic. Or, at least, I think it is. If it has all the mystery and drama that PLL has, or even 10% of it, this book will end up on your favorites list. The Amateurs is about Seneca Frazier, who reads about the unclosed case of Helena Kelly on a website on the internet (yes – a pretty cliché and als really sketchy). Her best friend Maddy Wright invites her over to Connecticut to look into the case, and the series kicks off. More people join in their search for Helena, or the killer of Helena, or, you know, whatever made her disappear. Since PLL is ending on TV, we’re SO ready for something new. Are you in? Read more…

Like I said: tons of new books that will make you really happy (or sad) in November! Let us know down below what book you are looking forward the most! Add new books if you’d like 😉


Nanouk Meijer

Nanouk is the founder and owner of the website. She runs the website, takes care of the lay-out, give-aways, social media, book reviews and events. She is 25 years old and graduated from 'Comparative Literature' at Utrecht University. She is Digital Product Manager at HarperCollins Holland and staff reviewer at YA Books Central. She breaths books.

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