New version of Twilight coming!

Yes, you’re reading the title correctly!


On Tuesday, Stephenie Meyer announced that in celebration of the tenth anniversary from her first publication, she has written a new version of the first book “Twilight”, named “Life and death”. In this version she has swapped the gender of the main characters, so Bella is a boy named Beau (Beaufort) and Edward is a girl named Edythe. She claims that the main reason is because she got a lot of hate because Bella seems to dependent on Edward because she is a girl. She says:

โ€œIโ€™ve always maintained that it would have made no difference if the human were male and the vampire female – itโ€™s still the same story. Gender and species aside, Twilight has always been a story about the magic and obsession and frenzy of first love.โ€

She started the announcement with the words “I am sorry” because a lot fans thought she would publish Midnight Sun for the anniversary, the story told in the perspective of Edward, so I don’t think we will see that happening in the next 10 years.

I still don’t know how I feel about this, I think it will be exciting to read the story from a different angle but isn’t this just milking the cow a little too much? Let me know what you think down below!

Frederique Teillers

Frederique is reviewer, specialized in series. Studying Media & Culture in Amsterdam, she knows everything about series and now and then reads an English classic. Frederique might me the youngest member of the team, but she knows how to speak her mind.

2 reacties

    • Wij zijn ook heel benieuwd! ๐Ÿ˜€ Heb je hem al gekocht? Ik – Nanouk – ga de Engelse z.s.m. bestellen!

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