Monday Cover Challenge #1 "Waterfall"

Good evening book lovers,

I have been blogging for a while, and came to the conclusion that the posts I did, have been very random. I’ve tried to structure it, but it’s not really working for me. I thought that maybe I should try something different, something that the readers would know about. And I came up with this:

Book covers are usually published in different versions, editions and languages. Sometimes, one book, has more than five covers. I was very curious what you guys think about the covers, and more importantly, which one you like the most!

From this day on, every Monday will be Monday Cover Challenge. I will pick one book ever week, that has various covers and came out recently (relatively recently). You guys can vote in the comment section, or on Twitter and Facebook. Simply add the hash tag #MCC so I can track them! Voting is open for one week! Every Monday I will announce the winner and post another challenge.

Today’s challenge is a book that I still have to read, a book that’s on top of my TBR. I’m talking about Waterfall, the second book in the Teardrop duo-logy, written by Lauren Kate. Waterfall has more than 5 covers, and these are the ones that are picked for the first Monday Cover Challenge.

1. USA edition












2. UK edition












3. ebook  edition












4. Spanish edition












5. Italian edition












You can vote by commenting the number/edition you think is the prettiest, or vote with the hashtag #MCC! See you next Monday 🙂


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