February Book Releases

Hi guys,

January is almost over, which gives us a chance to look forward to next month’s book releases. And I gotta be honest with ya’ll: February is going to be GOOD. Ready? Here’s a selection of some of the most anticipated YA book releases of February 2016!

231742741. Glass Sword (Red Queen #2) – Victoria Aveyard
Release date:
February 9th, 2016
Publishers: Harper Teen
I think I can just say that about 99% of the YA world is currently anxiously waiting for this book to be released. Even though I haven’t had a chance yet to read Red Queen yet, I’m just as excited about this book as you guys probably are. I’ve heard it’s good. Like: good good. There’s going to be  a fight against oppressors: good stuff. I think this book represents more than you may think on first sight. Who’s ready to read this most anticipated book of February 2016? Read more…


234304712. Riders (Riders #1) – Veronica Rossi
Release date: February 16th, 2016
Publishers: Tor Teen
This book is writted by one of my favorite authors, Veronica Rossi, best knows for her “Under the Never Sky” trilogy. The series has been opted for a movie, but no news about that so far. In the mean time, Veronica kept writing and this is the result: and all new series and the first book in the series is called “Riders”. It is about and apocalypse and horses. And you see: my problem. Don’t like horses but adore apocalypses. But since the book is written by Veronica, I will 100% give it a shot because she can make everything that happens in a book seem very real. So excited! Read more…


232995133. The Shadow Queen (Ravenspire #1) – C.J. Redwine
Release date: February 16th, 2016
Publishers: Balzer + Bray
I am super proud, as a YABC Staff Reviewer, to put up this book on the most anticipated books for February. Not only is the cover gorgeous, the person who’s written this book is too. Not only does she run one of the biggest YA platform in the US, she’s also a mother and yes, she has written this very interesting sounding story. Princes, princesses, maps to far far away… I’m sold! And I hope you are too. I can’t wait to get my hands on a copy. Re-tellings of fairytales are “IT” right now, and hopefully The Shadow Queen will live up to its expectations and more books will follow. Read more…


189668064. Morning Star (Red Rising #3) – Pierce Brown
Release date: February 9th, 2016
Publishers: Del Rey
I know a lot of people are reading the Red Rising trilogy (I haven’t been able to do that yet), so this must be incredible exciting to for them. This is the conclusion to the series, and according to Goodreads, it has 4.44 stars even before its release date. There’s going to be a lot of fighting, multiple actions scenes and this book is promising to take your breath away. This is one of those “can’t-put-it-down” books. Excited yet? Read more…


217931825. Starflight (Starfligt #1) – Melissa Landers
Release date: February 2nd, 2016
Publishers: Disney-Hyperion
I haven’t hear of this book before, but there’s been a lot of buzz going around about this book and when I looked up the blurb, I got all excited. It kind of a futuristic, yet realistic story about this girl who’s very poor and about this boy who’s very rich. And something with a space ship? No, this won’t be a sappy romance story, because there’s talk about a lot of plot twists in this book. And plot twists, we love. Right? The story is supposed to me a series so more awesomeness is sure to come. Read more…


What are you most excited about? LET US KNOW! 

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4 reacties

  1. Die cover van ‘The Shadow Queen’ vind ik zo mooi! Ik lees weinig YA, maar nu krijg ik spontaan zin om het te lezen. Over young adult gesproken… heb jij ‘We keken allemaal op’ van Tommy Wallach gelezen?

    • Ja klopt, prachtig! Jammer, er zit super veel mooie YA tussen deze maand 😉 Ik heb aangevraagd via De Leesfabriek (dus via de uitgever), ik hoort zsm of ik hem binnen krijg! Nog niet gelezen maar hopelijk binnenkort wel! Heb jij hem al wel gelezen?

    • Same here, staat al in mijn kast, maar nog niet gelezen! Heb er alleen maar positieve dingen over gehoord, dus ik ben er heel benieuwd naar! Laat je ons weten wat je er van vond als je hem gelezen hebt? 🙂 x

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