It’s the second month of 2020 and I am still going strong with reading my books, posting to Instagram, writing reviews and keeping you all updated with what I am reading at the moment. As I promised in January, here’s my February 2020 Book wrap up!
1. Children of Blood and Bone – Tomi Adeyemi
Way back in 2018, I started reading Children of Blood and Bone. For an unknown reason (even to me), I never read past 70% of the book. Which is weird, because that’s the part that most books are pretty exciting. I decided to give it another go and read it again. LOVED it. I read the Dutch version. The second part will be published in a few weeks in the Netherlands and I am looking forward to it very much!

2. An Abundance of Katherines – John Green
As you might understand, this book has been on my TBR for ages. After a while, I just knew I HAD to read it. So in the beginnen of February, I sat down and read the book in one day. ONE DAY. Meaning: I was hooked. For me, it wasn’t his best book. I wasn’t into it as much as I was into TFiOS or Looking for Alaska. However, I did enjoy it a lot.

3. The Betrothed – Kiera Cass
*happy dancing* In February I received a review copy of The Betrothed by Kiera Cass, the author of the The Selection series which I loved. This is her first historical novel. I really liked it, but there were some things that I did not enjoy. But, damn, gotta say, this book is super addicting! You can read my whole review HERE.

4. Shadow of the Fox – Julie Kagawa
Same story as Children of Blood and Bones: started reading it, but never finished it. Which is super rare, because I’m pretty sure I am one of Julie’s biggest fans. But, I started reading it again and was hooked pretty fast.
5. Soul of the Sword – Julie Kagawa
Like I said: I was so hooked, I continued reading this series and started reading in Soul of the Sword right away. Loved it TONS. Julie keeps surprising me again and again.
6. Night of the Dragon – Julie Kagawa
And yes – you guessed right. I dived into the third book of this series RIGHT after finishing Sould of the Sword. I am so lucky for working at her Dutch publishing house, as I got to read the manuscript. Night of the Dragon will be released in English and Dutch at the beginning of April. The ending of this book totally killed be and I didn’t see it coming until it happened. So yeah – be prepared you all!

That was it guys – my February 2020 Book wrap up! Let me know down below in the comments what books you’ve read in February and see you next time!