Hi guys,
I’m so sorry for my long absence! I’ve been so busy with school and personal stuff, I haven’t even had the time to finish reading “Fuse” yet. And normally, I would’ve finished a book like that in a week. So: I’M SORRY.
I have some exciting news tho! I’ll be meeting on of my favorite authors in a few days! *drumroll*…. LAUREN KATE! Author of the international bestselling series “Fallen” and upcoming book: “Teardrop”. I am one of the lucky 100 Dutch peepz that are going to meet her on November 8th in Amsterdam! I’m so happy!
Her new novel, Teardrop, will be released on October 22nd, so I will have enough time to read it befor meeting her 🙂 [ps: Allegiant by Veronice Roth will also be released on the same day!]. Lots of books coming up, lots of test coming up too! The week after meeting Lauren Kate, I have testweek. But I will update you guys on how it was to meet Lauren 🙂 I’m so excited!
For now; enjoy reading the prologue of Teardrop by clicking on this link!
Bye x