Dear international readers, this post is about a fantastic Dutch YA novel, called Boy 7, and today was the premiere of the theatrical performance (because yes, the book is THAT cool). I won 2 tickets and took my sister to see the play. I have read the book in one night – it was worth every minute that I couldn’t sleep but should have been sleeping.
We went to the theater, all dressed up, and met some amazing people from the Dutch book society. Yes, we kinda do know every one. It was fun.
At 2:30pm the doors opened and we sat in 4th row, which is, like, GREAT. We had amazing seats and could see the stage perfectly.
The play itself was amazing! I was, on the one had, pretty scared what they’d do with the book, and on the other hand, I was so excited because I had this feeling that it’d be perfect. And it was, over all. The actors were very good, funny and strong. They draw me into the story so deep that I felt like the ending of the play was way too soon and I’d only had been sitting there for 10 minutes.
But, the best thing, was that they mixed all kinds of media. There was a video screen, there were great light effects, there was music, there was singing and even some dancing. They used every single object on stage but only played with like 5 characters. It was super cool and I was so grateful to be there.
The ending of the show was a bit messy and maybe too fast, but yeah, you can’t let it last for 5 hours. A book can, but a play can’t.
After the show we went to the foyer to have drinks and talk. After a while, I spotted Mirjam and got my book autographed. (It took a while because I always feel so stupid for bothering people).
To me, it was an amazing show and it’d really recommend all Dutchies to go see it. Also, read the book. I’m looking forward to the movie, that is, according to Mirjam Mous herself, very good.
Buy tickets here: