Welcome welcome, to a new category at Dutch Book Chick: The Book Tags! It will feature all the Book Tags I’m in on Instagram, which I have officially started a few months ago but I’ve never been really active, up until yesterday!
The first Book Tag is the #coloredbooktag. I was tagged by @develishlystylishbeautyblog and she had to do blue books, but choose for the people she tagged to make a picture of all their red books, which I did too! I think Book Tags are a great way to meet new books and being creative at the same time. Here’s my picture for the #coloredbooktag!
From top to bottom:
An Abundance of Katherines – John Green
Oops, haven’t read it yet. Gotta do that very soon! I love the cover, it fits in with all the John Green book covers! It’s so bright and red-ish!
The Elite (The Selection #2) – Kiera Cass
Oh how much I love AND hate this book. I met Kiera, she’s the most amazing and funny author ever! I reviewed the stunning “The Elite” HERE.
Champion (Legend #3) – Marie Lu
Another one of my favorites. This book is so different from all the other YA books I’ve read yet it fits in that category perfectly! It has an extra bit of bite that you need for a book to be more than just a book. Review HERE.
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close – Jonathan Safran Foer
Have I ever finished a book by Foer? NO. I’ve started a couple of them, though. They are very literature-ish and amazingly written, but to me they’re hard to get through. BUT I must say this book touched me deeply!
Burn (Pure #3) – Julianna Baggott
I’ve read the first two books in the series and cannot wait to pick up on this baby! The cover is very pretty, though it doesn’t fit in perfectly with the other two, since this is a renewed version (same height etc. fortunately). Review to be soon-ish!
The Perks of Being a Wallflower – Stephen Chbosky
I will never get used to that name, but this book is amazing – I’ve been told. I’m so ashamed I still haven’t read it! The movie was GREAT. I’m definitely going to read it soon!
Fangirl – Rainbow Rowell
Haven’t read this one, but that’s something I do not regret – yet. It just came in the mail last week and my TBR is big. Very big. I thought I ordered the green edition instead of the pink/red edition but oh well, it is very pretty in both colors!
I tagged some people too, to do a #coloredbooktag and asked them to do pink ones! If any one of them uploads a picture on Instagram, I will add it here down below!
Thanks for tagging me! I’ll try to post a picture of my pink books (I have no idea if I have a lot of pink books) as soon as I can! 🙂 An Abundance of Katherines and The Perks of being a Wallflower are amazing books, you will love them! 🙂 I also loved Champion, that was an excellent book! 😀
Awesome! I’d like to see them, I need more pink books (so this tag is kind of an inspiration thing!). GREAT good to hear, I cannot wait to read them (you know the problem: so many book but never enough time to read them). Yes Yes Champion was awesome! I reviewed it somewhere on my website 😉 The ending was… kinda cruel! 😉
It wasn’t hard for me. I even left out a couple of books, cause it didn’t fit in the picture. 🙂
Hahaha really? Then you must have A LOT of pink books! 😀