It’s almost February and that means we’re going to enjoy a lot of new books! January has been fun, with Carve the Mark mostly, but February is a bit different. February doesn’t feature one big anticipated new book or new series. February features tons of books in ongoing series. I had to choose only 5 books for my monthly list, which has been particularly hard this month. Without further ado, I present to you: the February book releases!
1. King’s Cage (Red Queen #3) – Victoria Aveyard
Release date: February 7th
Publisher: HarperTeen
Oh my God – you guys! It’s here: the last book in the Red Queen trilogie! *faints* I think lots of us are fans of this thrilling trilogy and can’t wait to get their hands on this much anticipated third installment. I have to admit that I haven’t read Red Queen yet (shame on me), but I do think I will enjoy it. “In this breathless third installment to Victoria Aveyard’s bestselling Red Queen series, allegiances are tested on every side. And when the Lightning Girl’s spark is gone, who will light the way for the rebellion?” OMG. Yes. Excited! Read more…
2. Lifeblood (Everlife #2) – Gena Showalter
Release date: February 28th
Publisher: Harlequin Teen
I don’t know about you, but this cover is just GORGEOUS. First Life, the first book in the series, has been reviewed as the kind of book you will either love or hate. The second book though, everybody will love, if I have to believe the reviews that have appeared thus far. In the first book, Tenly has to choose what life she wants to have after her death. A bit problematic, since people are fighting over her choosing on of the two worlds. In the second book, she’ll find herself in even bigger trouble. I’m super excited about this series and I can’t wait to read Lifeblood! Read more…
3. Starfall (Starflight #2) – Melissa Landers
Release date: February 7th
Publisher: Disney-Hyperion
Remember when everybody was freaking out over Starlight last year, and everybody was loving this novel about space and spaceships? Well… this is its sequel! And the cover is, yet again, pretty cool! In this novel, the characters have to choose between friends and family, and they have to decide who are most important to them in order to save themselves and reach their goals. But how can they do that when they find out about the biggest conspiracy ever? If this doesn’t persuades you to read a book, I don’t know what will! Read more…
4. Disruptor (Seeker #3) – Arwen Elys Dayton
Release date: February 7th
Publisher: Delacorte Press
In the third (and last?) installment of the Seeker trilogy, we will hopefully find out about a lot of things. In Seeker, we find out about a whole new universe, that left us wondering about A LOT of things. I haven’t had time yet to read the second book in the trilogy, Traveler, but I heard it’s good! So YEAH for the third book coming in just a little over a week! Our main character and bad ass female lead will totally rock you off your socks. She will fight the enemy and will not give up. Talking about girl power… 😉 You will totally love these books! Read more…
5. A Conjuring of Light (A Darker Shade of Magic #3) – V.E. Schwab
Release date: February 21st
Publisher: Tor Books
Another confession: I haven’t read any of the A Darker Shade of Magic books yet. But I did read Our Savage Song by Schwab, and I loved it! My friends recommended me to read the A Darker Shade of Magic as well, because they are awesome. In A Conjuring of Light, which will be the most exciting book in the series yet, the battle between four magical Londons comes to a head. It promises to be exciting, thrilling and it will reveal to us what happens to the protagonist and his enemies. Awesome? Probably yes. Go read it. NOW! (As will I…) Read more…
What book are you looking forward to the most? Have you started any of these series yet? Let us know down below, we love to hear what you think!