October Book Releases

Hi guys,

October is coming and it’s coming fast. Didn’t we just discuss the books we read over our summer vacation? Oh my, time flies. Talking about time… I need more time to read. Especially this October. Every month brings awesome new books. Mostly, it doesn’t take too much time coming up with 5 books I’m really looking forward to – but sometimes it does. October, however, is of a completely other category. October brings SO MANY great books, I just can’t decide. Damn. Here we go, enjoy x

the-black-key1. The Black Key (The Lone City #3) – Amy Ewing
Release date: October 4th
Publishers: HarperTeen
I’ve been dying, LITERALLY DYING, to read this book ever since I finished The White Rose. It was phenomenal. And when I heard how long I had to wait for the third book in the series, I just cried and felt sad for days. I cheered myself up by thinking about the e-ARC that would possibly be coming my way. BUT. IT. DIDN’T. HarperTeen/HarperCollins decided not to hand out any e-ARCs. So that killed my plan. And now I am desperately waiting for October 4th to get my hands on it.


gemina2. Gemina (The Illuminae Files #2) – Amie Kaufman and Jay Kirstoff
Release date: October 18th
Publishers: Knopf Books for Young Readers
Even though I haven’t even finished Illuminae properly, this book has been very high on my TBR for a very long time. I just love the contents of the book. How it looks, what it is about but mostly how it is presented, to us, the readers. You get snippets and shadows of the story, but you’re never sure it’s the whole story. It’s scifi and totally amazing.



the-midnight-star3. The Midnight Star (The Young Elites #3) – Marie Lu
Release date: October 11
Publishers: G.P. Putnam’s Sons Books for Young Readers
I remember when Legend was just released, and people were like: oh, this is pretty good. And than all of the sudden Marie Lu became popular with her action (and love) packed Legend series and now The Young Elites spin off series. In the last installment we will learn more about a couple of characters and situations will be complicated. But I love that. And thumbs up, cover designer, it looks like it’s gonna kick some asses.


what-light4. What Light – Jay Asher
Release date: 
October 11th
: Razorbill
The man who brought you “13 reasons why”, a banned book, a loved book, an adored book, but mostly a book you will not forget. What Light will bring some joy into your life, as the book is about thanksgiving, christmas, lights and love. I’ve never heard a better bedtime story. I’m really curious if Jay Asher will ever be able to write a book that will live up to the ” 13 reasons why”  book, but I believe it has tons of potential.



glitter5. Glitter – Aprilynne Pike
Release date: October 25th
Publishers: Random House Books for Young Readers
I’ve read a book by Aprilynne and really enjoyed it. I’m not saying I am a fan of her writing, but this new book does sound really exciting. It is set in a near-future world. People describe it as Breaking Bad meets Antoinette. It’s really original, one of the reasons I am really looking forward to reading it. It feels as if it’s set in the eighteenth century, when it’s actually in the future. The queen, living in the Versailles, has to save her life by drug dealing. WHAT? Yes. Things just got interesting.


Nanouk Meijer

Nanouk is the founder and owner of the website. She runs the website, takes care of the lay-out, give-aways, social media, book reviews and events. She is 25 years old and graduated from 'Comparative Literature' at Utrecht University. She is Digital Product Manager at HarperCollins Holland and staff reviewer at YA Books Central. She breaths books.

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