Teaser Trailer "Paper Towns" + first movie stills

Today has been a very exciting day for every John Green fan in the world! First of all, the movie poster of Paper Towns was released this week. Secondly, the trailer of Paper Towns is released tomorrow. But what about today… well, there are two surprises!

1. Paper Towns Teaser Trailer
Cara Delevigne was so nice to tease us with a teaser trailer at her Instagram! I was pretty happy with it, it got me really looking forward to the movie. I haven’t even read the book yet (YET!), but I will soon enough.

A sneak peek for you. Watch the full #PaperTowns trailer tomorrow morning! @papertownsmovie

Een video die is geplaatst door Cara Delevingne (@caradelevingne) op

  2. Movie stills
Yes here are some amazing movie stills! They are looking gooooooood!
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