6 spin-offs from well-known TV Shows

Do you know the feeling? Being done with a TV show and not knowing what you can do to fill the free hours that are now available due to the fact that you can no longer binge watch? Luckily, some tv producers are kind enough to offer us a solution: a spin-off of the original story, with a mix of new and old characters, and a whole new story. I’d like to introduce you to six of these spin-offs. Some you might already know, some might be completely new, but nevertheless: enjoy!

ArrowGerelateerde afbeelding
Arrow is special. This TV show has two instead of one spin-off! They are called The Flash and DC’s Legends of Tomorrow. If you click on this link, you’ll go to a series introduction about The Flash. Legends of Tomorrow is about “time-traveling rogue Rip Hunter, who has to recruit a rag-tag team of heroes and villains to help prevent an apocalypse that could impact not only Earth, but all of time.” [IMDB]. Characters of Arrow that can be found in this spin-off are among others Ray Palmer, Dr. Martin Stein, Sara Lance and Leonard Snart.

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor legend of korra gifAvatar: The last Airbender
The spin-off from Avatar is called Legend of Korra. It jumps to the future and shows the life of a new avatar called Korra. She’s faced with new responsibilities and new threats in the world that Aang left behind. A character from the last airbender that shortly returns in the Legend of Korra is Katara. Not a lot of familiar characters can be found in this spin-off, due to the fact that it is placed in a different time where those characters are either really old or already dead.

Pretty Little Liars
Ravenswood is a spin-off that takes place in a town that’s introduced Afbeeldingsresultaat voor ravenswood gifin the fourth season of Pretty Little Liars. The IMDB describes it as “Five strangers [that] are connected by the curse that has plagued Ravenswood for generations.” A familiar character is Caleb, who also plays a part in the normal series. However, this show was cancelled after 1 season due to low ratings, but it’s still fun to check it out!

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor the originals gif
The Vampire Diaries

For those who watch the Vampire Diaries, you’ve probably heard of the original family. That’s exactly what this spin-off is about the Originals and their adventures in New Orleans. Sometimes, there’s a crossover with the main show. There’s no news about whether or not the Originals will continue after the last (8th) season of the Vampire Diaries, but at least there are 4 seasons to watch when TVD does end? (something we don’t want to think about though… I’m in denial).

Gerelateerde afbeelding
The Walking Dead
Fear the Walking Dead focuses on an entirely different group than the ones we know and love. It shows, for starters, the beginning of the apocalyps, and continues to follow how they adapt to the new situation. Even though it doesn’t follow the main storyline since it’s placed earlier in the timeline, it’s still an amazing show if you can’t get enough of those walkers!


Of course, there are other spin-offs, but these are the ones that I watched (or attempted to watch; I don’t have all the time in the world and most of the time the main show is my priority…), but let me know if you have some good recommendations! 

Judith Revenberg

Judith is a reviewer at this website, specialized in series. She studies International Communication and Media and has a talent of binging through four seasons of a TV show in less than three weeks. In her spare time she sports, writes fiction, watches movies/series or cooks for her roommates. Sarcasm and bad puns might be found in her articles, so read them at your own risk.

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