A new year means a new clean slate. And that means we can start all over again with our set goals and challenges. We, from Dutch Book Chick, have decided to tell you about the challenges we’ve set for ourselves. These include reading challenges but also challenges concerning movies and series. Here we go!
Goodreads Reading Challenge 2017
Every year, I challenge myself to read 52 books for myself. I study Comparative Literature, so I don’t count the books I have to read for class (which are about 20 a year?). I’ve never actually managed to finish the challenge, because I always start too late. I tell myself I will get back on track over the summer holiday, but that never fully works out for me. Last year, I came close. I messed up in November and December. But this year, I’ll just try again, until I manage to reach my goal. And, as always, that means I have to read one book per week. The positive thing right now is that I already finished my first book of 2017. Isn’t that wonderful? We’ll see how the challenge will work our for me in 2017.
Jar Challenge
Since ’52 books’ is a bit abstract, I also am going to challenge myself every month to clean out my TBR. I made a jar, as you can see on the pictures, that includes 12 specific challenges to make my TBR a little smaller. I will pick a slip of paper at the beginning of the month and read the book. I will post a video about the book at the end of the month and pick another slip of paper. I will post 12 videos, starting at the end of January (telling you about the book I read in January and pick a book for February).
I already picked the first book, and that book will be “a book you never finished” which is good for me. I have the tendency to start reading a book for a bookclub, or an event, and then totally forget to finish the book after the book club or the event. But what book will I choose for January? There are tons of books I haven’t finished yet…
Drumroll please… *drum roll*….. The book I’ve chosen for this month, is Illuminae! The second book, Gemina, was released last October. It’s written by Amie Kaufmann and Jay Kristoff. And, like I said, it was a pick for a bookclub. I just never finished it, and that is said. So my first challenge is to finish a book I’ve started: Illuminae.
5 Film Noirs
I want to watch at least 5 movies from my Film Noir book (it’s really big and features tons of movies from way back then up until 2008). I bought this book, but never really did anything with it. If I complete my challenge and watch 5 film noirs, I will write a post about it!
Keeping Up with my series
I have no real challenges for 2017 when it comes to series/tv-shows, but I promised myself to keep up with the series I am watching and are still airing new episodes. Of course, Netflix will be a big help. I’m hoping to catch up with The Vampire Diaries and The 100 first, and then in March continue watching The Designated Survivor. Maybe along the way we’ll get to see more of Zoo, which is an epic series about a world in which the animals turn against us. COOL! SO there’s no real challenge, but still, this is what I will try to do in 2017!
Goodreads Reading Challenge 2017
Let me start with wishing everyone a happy new year! Now let me tell you about the two reading challenges I will be doing in 2017. Just as every year I will be participating in the Goodreads Reading Challenge. The past few years I’ve had the number of books I want to read at 60, but this year I want to up that to 70. Mostly because I have a lot of unread books and I want to seriously cut down on my To Be Read pile of books and a challenge always helps me stay motivated.
YA Challenge
Since I’m actually fairly new to the YA world, I have to catch up on some really amazing YA classics, but because I already have a large pile of unread books I haven’t been able to read as many as I would have liked. I want to read my older books first before buying and reading others, so my second reading challenge will be to read most of my old books and cut down on my To Be Read pile. My ultimate goal will be to have only 10 to 15 (!) unread books left at the end of 2017. This is a very ambitious goal, but I’ve set it anyway, so I’m going to try and accomplish that this year. Wish me luck!
Series and books
My challenge(s) for 2017 won’t be about series, since I always manage to watch those no matter what and it seemed strange to me to link a challenge to it (cause I already spend too much time watching them… might be a challenge to change that, but… yeah, no, let’s not do that). Nevertheless, I’d like to read more in 2017, which is why I’ll set the goal to have read at least 25 books by the end of this year. That might seem like a small amount, but it’s a start.
Supporting the cinema
Secondly, I want to keep on supporting the cinema because I simply love going to the movies, which is why I want to set the goal to see at least 8 movies in front of the big screen (the first one being seen on the 3th of January, a good start of this challenge!).
More TV
I’ve been meaning to watch tv shows more than I actually do, I tend to get super busy and then never actually take the time to watch anything! I’ve heard amazing things about Westworld, the new HBO series, which I’ve been dying to watch. So, I’m gonna challenge myself to sit down and finally watch the whole first season in this month. It’s not a lot, just one hour long episodes, but I figured I shouldn’t set the bar too high on my first try. 😉 Hopefully I’ll be back with a review before you know it!