Today my website has reached its 100th post! And that is something to celebrate! And this is how I’m going to do that…
… you can win a package of fun stuff! It’s a give-away! The package includes:
– John Green bookmark (the Dutch version of TFiOS)
– John Green postcard (a picture of him and his books, also the Dutch version)
– Best of YA flyer (small)
– Divergent faction stickers (very awesome stickers, I gotta say!)
– My business card
It’s not much, but it’s something 😉 And if it’s successful, maybe it’ll be possible to do a bigger give-away later this year! It’s up to you…
Now you’re wondering how you can win this? It’s pretty easy:
1. Subscribe to my newsletter.
2. Tell your friends to subscribe to my newsletter.
3. When your friend(s) is/are subscribed, they can Tweet/e-mail me that you let them know about my website/newsletter. (@dutchbookchick or
4. For every person who subscribes you earn ONE point.
5. The person with the most points wins!
And the best thing…. the give-away is open for the whole world! International! Yes!
The closing date of this competition is October 26th!
Thanks again for visiting my website and good luck with the give-away!
Love, Nanouk