I. AM. BACK. || YouTube
Watch it. Hi guys! After a very long silence from my side, I am back! My laptop ditched me a couple of weeks ago, and now I finally have my own (working) MacBook Air! I will be uploading new videos,… Lees verder
Watch it. Hi guys! After a very long silence from my side, I am back! My laptop ditched me a couple of weeks ago, and now I finally have my own (working) MacBook Air! I will be uploading new videos,… Lees verder
Hey hi hoi allemaal, Tof dat jullie dit berichtje aangeklikt hebben! Hier vinden jullie namelijk mijn eerste Challenge van Harper Collins Holland. Met het oog op “Rivalen”, het nieuwste boek van Alyson Noël dat 10 mei uit komt, doe ik… Lees verder
Dutchies! Check snel dit toffe filmpje, abonneer je op het YouTube kanaal van Dutch Book Chick en doe mee aan #TeamNanouk!
Hi guys, how are you doing? I thought it would be fun to share a video with some of the books that have been on my TBR for a very long time. I still haven’t read them. Sad. Sad. Sad.… Lees verder
I am soooo excited to celebrate our new account on Youtube! Just search for Dutch Book Chick and you’ll find out the first video is already published! It’s a book haul and you’ll love everything about it except one editing… Lees verder