February 2020 Book wrap up

It’s the second month of 2020 and I am still going strong with reading my books, posting to Instagram, writing reviews and keeping you all updated with what I am reading at the moment. As I promised in January, here’s… Lees verder

YA Books I STILL haven’t read

If you can’t handle people who haven’t read YA books they clearly should’ve read years ago, please exit this blogpost because it will hurt you eyes. And probably your heart as well. No? You’re still reading? I warned you. So,… Lees verder

Four brand new books I'm dying to read

What’s up? I’ve been busy lately, again, so I’ll just give you guys a quick update on what I’ve been reading (apart from Catching Fire, which, unfortunately, I still haven’t finished re-reading). Twice a year, my favorite internet webshop (bol.com)… Lees verder