Series: Daredevil
Episode: 4, 5 and 6
Air date: April 10th, 2015
Language: English
Creator: Drew Goddard
Based on: The comicbook “Daredevil” by Marvel Comics
Stars: Charlie Cox, Deborah Ann Woll and Elden Henson
IMDb rating: 8,8 (Ep. 1); 9,3 (Ep. 2) and 8,8 (Ep. 3).
Hello, hello!
Time for some Daredivilicous episodes to review, I hope you enjoyed them as much as I do. If you haven’t read my review on the first 3 episodes or haven’t watched the first episodes yet, please click here! (Because there are some spoilers on this page..)
These episodes are much more about the dark side of Hell’s Kitchen with Wilson Fisk as it’s mystery leader, which we really get to know better. Episode 3 starts off with the Russian brothers who came to America to get a better life, but aren’t exactly happy with the arrangements they made with Fisk. We get to know Wilson, and his achilles’ heel Vanessa from whom he buys art from. Their relationship evolves in these episodes and is very interesting to see. Matt has been compromised a lot of times, if you compare it to the first 3 episodes. But we all know everyone makes mistakes and can’t foresee it all.
But it does provide more excitement and tension, especially when Fisk kills one of the Russian brothers and they accuse “The man with the mask”. His private nurse Claire was attacked and that gave her and Matt the perfect opportunity to bond, I am really shipping them, they look so cute together. Episode 5 and 6 are split into 2, and the dialogue between Matt and Vladimir is really funny, especially because he’s dying and hasn’t got much options and Matt really wants to know what he knows. At the same time certain boms explode in every Russian part of the city, which leads to Foggy to get hurt along with Mrs. Cardenas who asked Matt and Foggy to fight for her apartment, otherwise she gets evicted. Matt ultimately escapes the house he was held up in with Vladimir and Fisk is happy the Russians are out of the way.
I find the way how Fisk controls the city with the police really annoying, that means only Murdock can help victims made by Fisk and most of the time it will be too late. But I really like the relationship the two have, it’s really a battle between 2 alfa males. (and we know all females love to watch that :D)
The relationship between Fisk and his partners is another thing though. He got rid of the Russians now, so the question is: What will happen to the rest? And let’s not forget that, on this point, we are halfway through the season and there are a lot things we don’t know yet. How dit Matt learn how to fight like that? Is he in love with Claire? Is Karen in love with Matt? I think they could’ve spread it out more, cause I’m dying to know the answers.
The series is getting more serious with every episode, but not in a boring kind of way. We get to see the side of the villain, we don’t see that very often. We understand why he does wat he does but are still rooting for Matt, I think that’s pretty impressive. The writers clearly did a good job.
I hope you’ll continue to follow me and the series reviews. I’m so curious what will go down next, are you? 🙂