I'm a student!

Yesterday, I started at Utrecht University (Comparative Literature)! I had a fun introduction: in the morning we got some general information about the study, in the afternoon we walked around the city. A professor showed us all the bookstores and places we can study. We also got shown the library which was, to my opinion, pretty awesome.

Today is my first college/lecture (class?) and I’m really excited! It’s called “Close Reading”. It’s an introduction lesson so we won’t talk about anything specific yet.

My books are pretty great, by the way! We’re going to read some Jane Austen, Odyssey (by Homerus), Jonathan Safran Foer and Oscar Wilde. Pretty impressive, right? I’m really looking forward to this year and University sounds so cool!


I know I promised to upload my “Looking for Alaska” review but due to some other stuff, it’ll be online this week! I promise!



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