Book Depository Madness

Have you guys ever heard of the website Bookdepository? No? Then you’re definitely missing something! This website ships English books FOR FREE to the whole wide world. And the best thing has yet to come… the books are really cheap 🙂

The next 25 hours they have a new thing, what I’d like to call the “Book Depository Madness“. Every 30 minutes, they have a new and sharp deal with even cheaper books than there are already sold on the website. The books are limited and only for the sale price during that 30 minutes. I’d say: check it out!



Nanouk Meijer

Nanouk is the founder and owner of the website. She runs the website, takes care of the lay-out, give-aways, social media, book reviews and events. She is 25 years old and graduated from 'Comparative Literature' at Utrecht University. She is Digital Product Manager at HarperCollins Holland and staff reviewer at YA Books Central. She breaths books.

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