Katie McGarry

Katie McGarry author banner

Katie McGarry loves writing in coloured ink, she writes on her website. It features all of her books which are loved widely. Her upcoming novel Nowhere but Here raised a lot of buzz and I cannot wait to read it!

April 2015

April 15-16

What: 2015 Annual Conference for the Texas Library Association
Where: Austing, Texas, USA

April 16
WhatReading, Panel Discussion and Q&A with Teen Group Open to the public at Austin Public Library (Pleasant Hill Branch)
Where: Austin, Texas, USA

April 25
WhatWrite a novel workshop at Louisville Free Public Library Writing Conference
Where: Louisville, Kentucky, USA

May 2015

May 16
10th Annual Great Rochester Teen Book Festival at Nazareth College
Rochester, New York, USA

June 2015

June 4-7
WhatAuthor get together at Cincinnati Marriott North
Where: West Chester, Ohio, USA

June 8
WhatBoone County Public Library
Where: Burlington, Kentucky, USA

June 11
What: Barr Library
Where: Fort Knox, Kentucky, USA

June 18-21
WhatUtopYA Con2015
Where: Nashville, Tennessee, USA

July 2015

July 22-25
What: RWA Conference
Where: Houston, Texas, USA


Last updated: April 6, 2015

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