Currently reading and watching

As an avid reader and binge-watcher, I am always reading or watching something. I’m always reading a book, I am always watching a Netflix series and I am going to the cinemas for at least twice a week. I will try to keep this page updated, but please bare with me, it costs a lot of time.

Last update: Saturday March 21st

Currently reading

  • Glass Sword by Victoria Aveyard

Planning on reading

  • Clap when you land by Elizabeth Acevedo (e-ARC)
  • King’s Cage by Victoria Aveyard
  • War Storm by Victoria Aveyard
  • Children of Virtue and Vengeance (Dutch: Vrees en wraak) by Tomi Adeyemi

Currently watching on Netflix

  • Big Bang Theory
  • Dare Me

Just seen at the movies

  • Blumhouse’s Fantasy Island
  • Parasite
  • The Gentlemen

Planning on seeing at the movies

  • None, as all cinemas are closed due to the corona virus outbreak

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