Series Introduction: "Sex and the City"

Aired: 1998 – 2004                                     sex-and-the-city                                                                                      Network: HBO [United States]
Production: HBO
Seasons: 6
Duration: 29 minutes
Genre: Comedy, Romance
IMDb rating: 7/10
My rating: 4.5 Stars (4,5 / 5)



A sexual and ironic sitcom about four young, virtually inseparable New York bachelorettes who lead and confide in each-other their ever changing and confusing sex lives, as different as their natures. Carrie Bradshaw (Sarah Jessica Parker) is a charming, petite columnist, and often the narrator of the story, either writing her copy or off screen, constantly tossing up and rejecting different views on just about anything that does or might impact modern women’s sex lives; she tries almost everything, is constantly disappointed, but always seems to return to a certain Mr. Big. Miranda Hobbes (Cynthia Nixon) is a red-haired lawyer, determined to score professionally and to be tough in love, too, yet her only faithful lover is an insecure nerd. Charlotte York (Kristin Davis) is a gallery-managing WASP from a prestigious, super-rich family, with high, old-fashioned moral standards for her lovable but insecure self, but, unfortunately, almost impossible to live up to for any lover, when she can find a socially acceptable one. Samantha Jones (Kim Cattrall) is every feminist’s heroine, and the utterly unashamed voice of lust at their meetings: an acclaimed PR agent and unstoppable nymphomaniac man-eater, who can flirt the pants off almost any man (often literally and fast) and always feels like more, without a hint of commitment, claiming this is the age for woman to do what men always did to them.

My opinion

This series has a special place in my heart. The four women in this show really feel like friends at a certain point. (Currently I am watching the series for the 5th time so they are very good friends of mine) They live the life you imagine a thirty someone old woman has in New York. They’re sexy, busy and have great apartments. This show is timeless and has relevant aspects even today.1429877317-where-does-the-love-go

The episodes are built around the column Carrie (SJP) writes for the New York Star. Something happens, she wonders about it and asks a question that she answers at the end of it. This format doesn’t disturb at all but gives the episode a nice structure.

Carrie is a very interesting person. She has an obsession with shoes, has a very unique style and has this thing for Mr. Big. A man she mets in the first episode and is instantly attracted to. He plays a returning role that makes her love life rather complicated.

Samantha (Kim Cattrall) is not that complicated. She likes sex and being independent. She sleeps around, has a succesful career and is a great friend. She will have a couple relationships but isn’t really the type for those. She is so funny, one time she almost made me pee my pants.

Miranda (Kristin Davis) is the tough one. She is a lawyer who likes to work hard, exercise and her cat. She is a bit clumsy and not really used to long term relationships what usually complicates her life when she loves someone.

Charlotte (Cynthia Nixon) looks like your usual Park Avenue type with pearls but she is really sensitive and positive. Her optimism and hunger for a perfect marriage makes her such a sweet character, a bit gullible maybe but still great.

Carrie is the nucleus of the group, meaning that evernew-adjectiveyone is best friends with her but normal friends with eachother. At least, that’s how I see it. Charlotte and Samantha are almost opposites. Charlotte thinks of sex like making love and Samantha thinks of it like a hobby that revolves around orgasms and dicks. Very straight forward I know, but so is Samantha.

The only minor thing I don’t really like is Carries habit of exaggerating. She is a drama queen and not aware of this fact. So this can be quite irritating from time to time, but maybe that’s just me because I’ve watched it so much. 🙂

For six seasons they fall in love, have sex, dine together and almost everything else. I really recommend you watching this with your mother or best friend, it will become a nice tradition to watch these four girls and their crazy lives.


Judith Revenberg

Judith is a reviewer at this website, specialized in series. She studies International Communication and Media and has a talent of binging through four seasons of a TV show in less than three weeks. In her spare time she sports, writes fiction, watches movies/series or cooks for her roommates. Sarcasm and bad puns might be found in her articles, so read them at your own risk.

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