Hi guys,
So now you’ve all read the book and my review, let’s talk about the ending of the book. So please, leave, if you haven’t read The Last Star yet. Okay? Let’s go!
Okay. So now that’s out of my system, let’s discuss the ending of an epic book series. I think you all know where this is going… Cassie’s death. Cassie is dead. I’m not liking it, but I’m also not saying I don’t agree with it. Like… we all kind of knew this was going to happen. In the first two books (mostly the second book), there were a lot of clues that gave away the ending of the story. If somebody was going to end up dead, it would be her. I also kind of expected Evan to die as well, to save Cassie, but that, surprisingly, didn’t happen. I’d rather see them both alive, but we can’t wish for miracles can we? Not in YA dystopians at least.
So Cassie dies. But why does Ringer has to have a baby, named after Cassie. WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED? I feel like Rick Yancey couldn’t written a book about the period that passed between Cassie dying and Ben and Ringer living happily ever after (the epilogue). It was a bit too much to take in for me. But at least they were save. And Sam… oh dead Lord. If something would’ve happened to Sam (if you, you know… had died), it’d stopped reading. I would’ve thrown the book out of the window. But he survived. He’s changed a lot, tho. The little one’s been through a lot. From a 5-year old crying about his bear, to a 5-year old shooting an adult lady in her guts. I was disturbed, at the least.
I do feel like the Others are gone, but the earth still isn’t ‘saved’ yet. People still don’t trust each other (which I totally understand), so that left me with a weird feeling in my stomach. But why complain? Most of the characters survived, right?
So that’s what I think. I’m very curious about your opinions! Please let me know!